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๐Ÿ—„๏ธ data - 🟧Heystack

Data & Narratives Revisited

data, journalism, charts

Data visualisation for communication - how to effectively use data visualisation in storytelling.

Journalists Helping Journalists

journalism, pro bono, jobs, contacts, data

This sheet is for anyone in the Communications/Media industries willing to do pro bono work to help out other industry folk. If you're not a journalist, please specify what you do so there's no confusion.This is strictly career-adjacent work, not a way to advertise services for nonprofits.

Tesla Carriers

tesla, data, shipping, finance

Tesla Global shipping information

Bellingcat's Online Investigation Toolkit [bit.ly/bcattools]

journalism, data, tools, fact checking, research

Bellingcatโ€™s freely available online open source investigation toolkit - data sources, social media, visualization and many more

Betas & Bludgers Writing Competitions List

writing, books, data

A list of writing competitions you can apply to

Unified research on privacy-preserving contact tracing and exposure notification for COVID-19

covid19, coronavirus, research, data, coronavirus updates

This document has been created to share information across the numerous projects that are working to create mobile apps to help contact tracers fight COVID-19

Data Is Plural โ€” Structured Archive

data, journalism, science

A collection of interesting data sets to learn from - 1.7 billion Reddit comments, how America injures itself and many others!

Fortnite Meshes - Lucas7yoshi

fortnite, games, data, fortnite ids, lucas7yoshi, umodel fortnite, how to datamine fortnite

A spreadsheet with all Fortnite skins and there respective meshes/material names. To access the mesh sheets, go to the individual sheets at the bottom of the page. Images provided by fortnite-api.com, data obtained using JohnWickParse / csharp bindings.