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Genshin Impact Helper Team's Character Builds

games, Genshin Impact, statistics, item list

Genshin Impact - how to build every character in the game. Weapons, notes, artifacts, comparison. Use tabs at the bottom to see different stats.

Genshin Universal Team Comps Guide

Genshin Impact, Genshin, Impact, games, statistics, item list, artifacts, guide

Guide to the most popular team builds and compositions from Genshin Impact. Includes information on recommended artifacts, substats, and valid substitutions for the the top tier team archetypes in the game.


coronavirus, risk, masks, statistics, data

A spreadsheet to roughly calculate risk of covid-19 infection depending on the situation. If you want to put numbers to some of it, this calculator can help!

The Football Internet

sport, football, data, statistics

A guide to where you can get most football statistics and data free on the internet, with links to where you can find them. Have included the 10 sites I use most. (Warning: Contains a lot of potential rabbitholes)

Getting Started With R When You Know Absolutely Nothing

statistics, programming, R

This tutorial is really for if you don’t know anything about R, and even if you don’t have any experience coding/scripting at all.